According to, Metzger has said:Read how @Bancosantander’s #blockchain powered One Pay FX is ensuring customer funds cross-borders with speed, transparency and security.
— Ripple (@Ripple) June 29, 2018
“Blockchain or distributed ledger technology covers a wide range of new technology approaches, but using some of the same building blocks and concepts [of other approaches]. The key is choosing the most appropriate of the different approaches and technologies with the particular problem being solved. Santander’s largest markets by profits are Brazil, Spain and U.K. We expect to roll the service out across more countries in the coming months.”You can see more from for yourself, here- stand out point from Metzgers comments here are that Santander wish to expand the operations of OnePayFX. As it stands the application is only available in the UK, Brazil and Poland, therefore, with this in mind we can expect to see OnePayFX roll out in other countries within which Santander operate as a bank and financial institution. These countries include: Australia, Chile, China, France, Germany, Italy, Japan, Mexico, Portugal, South Korea, Singapore, Spain and the USA. As stated, with Spain giving Santander one of its largest market profits we can assume that Spain will be added next, followed by a number of other countries as listed above. We must note that this only refers to where the app is available, overall, OnePayFX can be used from these countries to send money to a number of other countries and thus, the receiving accounts do not need to be based within the aforementioned countries. As OnePayFX grows, so will the use of Ripples services and of course, so will Ripples reputation within the blockchain. As it continues, we should expect to see more and more banks adopt this technology. One day, the ultimate goal of Ripple XRP listing may even become a reality.