The metaverse aims to disrupt the traditional way people interact with each other by innovating better ways to interact on the internet. Different companies are jumping in on this to utilize the ability of the metaverse, and centralized companies have the stage to invent better ways their users can leverage the power of the metaverse.
One thing rings deeply in the heart of many as to how centralized companies in the past have taken advantage of users' data for their benefit while violating the data privacy of these users. The emergence of an open metaverse that diligently utilizes the power of web3 to serve users will be a solid competition to these centralized companies.
Web3 aims to restore data control to its users' hands and reward creators for their contribution to the space. The emancipation of content from the platform where it has been generated initially thus making cross-metaverse assets is one secret weapon of the Open metaverse. To adequately compete with centralized metaverses, this NFT enables cross-metaverse assets giving the open metaverse a complete edge over the centralized metaverse as building assets on a specific metaverse platform can benefit the whole Web3 ecosystem thanks to the portability of NFT based contents and assets.
To achieve this, there needs to be a platform capable of promoting web3 enabled cross-platform interoperability. Over prides itself as a platform fully committed to Web3 enabled cross-platform interoperability.
Overview of Over The Reality
Over is an open-source AR platform powered by Ethereum Blockchain that makes it possible for users provided with a mobile device or smart glasses to live interactive augmented reality experiences customized in the real world. It places itself as the first content browser where the user does not choose the contents, but the world submits the possible experiences based on its geographical position.
Over is focused on the rapid growth of the mobile AR and Smart Glasses sector, and it aims to introduce various innovations to aid the open metaverse community. These innovations include the development of a decentralized and unstoppable open-source platform managed by the community with its coin and its ecosystem, buying and selling digital assets (lands, contents, advertising) with the Over utility token, development of a combined tracking system that uses GPS, computer vision algorithms and the inertial system onboard the device to bring the user experience to a new state of the art of outdoor AR, The use of the IPFS* like protocol to decentralize the storage of 2D/3D assets by making the entire platform unstoppable and independent and remunerating the nodes that share their storage space and the decentralization and community-powered ecosystem.
In addition to disrupting the augmented reality sector, it aims to disrupt the following sectors: digital content monetization, digital advertising, digital experience monetization, and P2P jobs. The Over platform is made up of: Over Ecosystem, OVRLands, Over Marketplace, OVRLands: Buy, Sell, Rent, Over Experience: Buy and Sell, Over Adv: Buy and Sell
Enabling Cross-Metaverse Control With Over The Reality
Over is fully committed to achieving Web3 enabled cross-platform interoperability. In line with this, it enables the control of 3D rigged assets from any platform. On Over, users will not just be able to visualize and publish any NFT containing 3D or 2D content; they can also control and flex those assets on the Over metaverse.
You are yet to discover all the team has in store for the users of the Over platform. Controlling and flexing your NFTs in AR/VR on Over is just the beginning, as the team hopes to create customized games based on such assets and build the ecosystem so that NFTs could have different uses and scopes in other metaverses. Over also released its Unity Plugin SDK, and if you can code a game on Unity, you can port it on Over, creating NFT enabled games and experiences!
Disclaimer: This article is provided for informational purposes only. It is not offered or intended to be used as legal, tax, investment, financial, or other advice.