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Ripple Release New Advice For XRP Investors

Published 6 years ago on July 30, 2018


3 Min Read

Ripple Release New Advice For XRP Investors
Ripple Insights is the section of the Ripple website which the team use to share news and information that in turn can go on to help investors become, better investors. Of course, their advice is always XRP-centric, given that it is their currency, often though, cryptocurrency advice can be quite generic and therefore, even if you’re not an XRP investor and are just a blockchain enthusiast in general, I would recommend keeping an eye on Ripple insights.Their recent post is informative and gives some great advice on some further reading that Ripple recommends should be done and indeed, it is advice that rings true for XRP investors and blockchain enthusiasts alike. Why a reading list, and why bother with further reading?Well it’s pretty clear isn’t it. Reading gives us a new perspective on things. By checking out books about the blockchain, we can introduce ourselves to new theories that can make us better investors. Theories and concepts change over time and therefore, we need to continue reading to keep up with the fast paced nature of the industry. Overall, it’s pretty cool that Ripple are passing on advice like this and are pointing their customers in the direction of some great, non-biased advice. According to Ripple:
“The importance of deploying blockchain for real use-cases requires a deeper knowledge of the history of the technology itself together with broader business and economic know how to get the job done.”
The latest books recommended by Ripple are as follows:“The Truth Machine: The Blockchain and the Future of Everything by Paul Vigna and Michael J. Casey is a deep dive into blockchain technology. Vigna and Casey go all the way back to the Middle Ages, to provide context on why the technology has so much potential.” “The Innovator’s Dilemma: The Revolutionary Book that Will Change the Way You Do Business by Clayton M. Christensen provides a thoughtful outline of why every company, even those that develop new technology must be aware of its applications and limitation, especially when it’s time to move on.” “Matchmakers: The New Economics of Multisided Platforms by David S. Evans and Richard Schmalensee is at the top of reading lists for top business leaders and entrepreneurs. The two economists break down the mechanics of what powers the business of the biggest players in the digital economy.”The included links will take you straight to Amazon, clearly Ripple’s venue of choice for purchasing books.Wait, is this a sign that Amazon could soon accept XRP? See more for yourself, here. So, there we have it. Some stellar advice from Ripple (pardon the pun). It might be difficult to find the time to read in this fast paced world, but as an XRP investor, or a blockchain enthusiast, if you find this time, you’ll benefit from better investments in the future. The more you understand about this industry, the more you’ll succeed. 
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