September 26, 2021
Polkadot’s Gavin Wood Talks Up Decentralization and Hints at Parachains Launch
On September 14, the Solana network witnessed an outage that took it offline for 17 hours. It was a major setback for th...
September 22, 2021
Predictions To Keep An Eye On In The Upcoming Parachain Auctions
Several projects will be competing for one of the ten parachain slots on Kusama in the coming weeks, and there’s much to...
August 19, 2021
Polkadot Sets Stage for Five New Parachain Auctions on Kusama Network
Scalable blockchain Polkadot has confirmed the scheduling for its next five parachain auctions. The highly-anticipated a...
August 9, 2021
Kusama and Spheroid Universe Support the Biggest Augmented Reality Experience in the World
Colombian artist Jessica Angel has been busy recently, as she works to transform the south end of Vancouver’s Cambie Bri...