What Cryptocurrencies Does Justin Sun Own?

What Cryptocurrencies Does Justin Sun Own?
  • When you own a crypto company as big as Tron, you wouldn’t be expected to own any other cryptocurrencies. 
  • Well, it turns out that Justin Sun, the CEO and founder of Tron, isn’t just in support of his own project but the big three cryptocurrencies as well. 

When you own a crypto company as big as Tron, you wouldn’t be expected to own any other cryptocurrencies. Well, it turns out that Justin sun, the CEO and founder of Tron, isn’t just in support of his own project but the big three cryptocurrencies as well. 

Speaking in a recent interview on CNN with Julia Chatterley, Sun said that he’s very bullish on crypto and holds quite a hefty amount of digital assets

He explained his love for crypto, by saying:

“Basically, I’m a crypto believer, so I converted like all my assets in 2013. So, these days I only exchange the crypto to fiat if I need to spend money in my daily life.”

Sun says he owns a variety of different assets. Naturally, he didn’t specify how much he owns of what token/coin but we can assume it’s a lot from context. 

He said, “I own a lot of XRP and Ethereum too. I’m a long-term believer of crypto [and] I want all the crypto assets to succeed. So that’s why I own a lot of other different cryptos as well.”

The founder further explained how bullish he is for Bitcoin’s future but how he is also excited for all the other assets in the space. He said:

“Because I’m like a long-term believer of blockchain, I definitely believe Bitcoin will pass $100k in 2025. I believe we can achieve this price before 2025. At the same time, I think that a lot of other cryptocurrency projects like Tron, like Ethereum, like XRP – I believe all the projects will also get into a bull market as well.”

It will be interesting to see how this plays out. For more news on this and other crypto updates, keep it with CryptoDaily!

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