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John McAfee Talks on Governments and Currency

Published 5 years ago on November 15, 2019


3 Min Read

John McAfee Talks on Governments and Currency
  • John McAfee talked about cryptocurrency and his run for the presidency in the United States.
  • John McAfee is a controversial figure and is mainly famous for developing the first commercial anti-virus program in the world, but he also ran for office in 2016.
  • “I’ve never said that we don’t need a government. We do. I’m not an anarchist.”

Speaking in a new interview with, John McAfee talked about cryptocurrency and his run for the presidency in the United States, despite currently being on the run from the feds for tax-related reasons. 

John McAfee is a controversial figure and is mainly famous for developing the first commercial anti-virus program in the world, but he also ran for office in 2016. There have been many allegations pointed towards McAfee such as problems with the law,

He has a massive influence on the crypto community, so matter what you think of him, whether you love him or hate him, you can’t deny his presence is great in such a small industry.

One of the questions asked was whether the timing was actually right to abolish fiat and thus replace it with cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin. They cite a previous quote from McAfee where he said governments should be abolished and whether people would be ready for that. 

Starting off by correcting the interviewer, McAfee said:

“I’ve never said that we don’t need a government. We do. I’m not an anarchist. I’m a libertarian. It’s just that every single person and every single bureaucrat in our current government needs to be gone and replaced. I don’t care by whom. Because the only experience these people have is the experience of taking money from our pockets and putting in theirs, gaining more and more power. We need fresh blood to wipe the system clean. It’ll take a long time for people to develop communications and connections they need, and it’ll take another 50 years before those recruits turn corrupt. But it’ll give us some peace and progress without being impeded by an overburdening government.”

He continued:

“When a President sits down, these people are looking at him like he’s nothing. He’s only there for four years and these individuals might be there for eight, but people who control things have been there for thirty or forty years. The Presidents are meaningless to them. I don’t want to be a President.”

It will be interesting to see how McAfee’s presidential run plays out. For more news on this and other crypto updates, keep it with CryptoDaily!

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