Dash, it’s a cryptocurrency you’ve heard about and you may even have a few stashed away in the nether region of your cryptocurrency wallet, though the chances are this is a cryptocurrency that you don’t know an awful lot about. Dash is one of the biggest cryptocurrencies in the world, it’s reputation is regularly undermined as Dash is a privacy focused cryptocurrency, so it does see some level of resistance from those in the crypto community that aren’t about all inclusive anonymity.
Dash, or Digital Cash, was created by Evan Duffield, according to Coinsutra:
“Dash was originally released as XCoin (XCO). In February 2014, the name was changed to Darkcoin. And on 25 March 2015, Darkcoin was rebranded as “Dash”.
Evan Duffield came across Bitcoin in 2010 and was impressed by its technology. But he soon realized that Bitcoin was not private and fast enough. He had many ideas on how to make Bitcoin anonymous, but he knew that Bitcoin’s core developers wouldn’t allow him to do so, as the core’s code would need to be changed for this. So to change this primary drawback of Bitcoin, Evan decided to use Bitcoin’s core code and build his own cryptocurrency- this is what we know of today as Dash.”
Now with a huge international reach, Dash is one of the worlds most adopted cryptocurrencies and always seems to have a significant level of power within financial crisis. Look at Venezuela for example, now one of the biggest users of Dash in the wake of their recent financial crash. In Turkey, during turmoil surrounding the Turkish Lira, Dash saw a huge wave of adoption and continues to grow. As a matter of fact, Dash seems to be a bit of an international legend, with a passport that allows it to operate, wherever it wants.
It’s the privacy behind Dash that allows the cryptocurrency to be found during times of need. The international spread of Dash is thanks to its accessibility, it’s stable(ish) price and its ability to protect those who use it. When governments are trying their best to stabilise broken economies, they don’t want citizens to start pumping their money elsewhere and therefore a fear exists that those found to be protecting their money could face repercussions at a later date. Dash on the other hand gives citizens facing financial turmoil the chance to protect their money in an anonymous format.
Moreover, Dash is also well adopted by merchants, both online and in brick and mortar stores. Again, using Venezuela as an example, lots of businesses began to accept Dash payments for traditional services in the wake of the financial crisis, encouraging those around the stores to also start investing in Dash. Dash has become an international symbol of cryptocurrency and it’s all down to Duffields original vision of a truly anonymous and private cryptocurrency. It’s a liberating force and one that continues to grow.