What CryptoDaily and Blockchance have in common is a vision of a possible world of tomorrow and the resulting common mission. The mission to cover and empower the Blockchain Economy on a global scale to change the world to a better place. That's why we strengthen each other to maximize our impact and outcome. We unite our smart brains to serve one goal and to work on the really meaningful challenges of our time.
The partnership between Blockchance and CryptoDaily includes joint press work, storytelling and community building. CryptoDaily CSO Pascal van Knijjff will talk about this partnership, the future of the media landscape and the future of society at the Blockchance Conference 2019.
“One of the main things that makes us excited to wake up each morning, is the fact that we get to encourage and empower the Daily use of Blockchain and CryptoCurrency.We want to make our medium a place where we can amplify the message of like minded people and initiatives. Blockchance is one great example of an initiative that we not only endorse, but also want give prime placement and exposure on our platform” said Pascal van Knijff CSO of CryptoDaily.
“Fabian’s vision to proliferate the use of Blockchain Technology throughout society and beyond is contagious to say the least, and we’re excited to partner up and keep our audience appraised of some of the exciting things Blockchance is doing” he continued.
The First Mayor of the Free and Hanseatic City of Hamburg, Peter Tschentscher ,is the patron of the 2019 conference. The key topics of the conference are the economic perspectives and social changes brought to us by decentralized database technology. The 2-day Blockchance Conference will bring together IT experts and scientists, entrepreneurs and economists, politicians, networkers and media representatives from all over the world. Further information can be found at: www.blockchance.eu
The First Mayor of Hamburg, Peter Tschentscher says:"The Blockchance Conference 2019 in the Chamber of Commerce brings the international blockchain industry to Hamburg. As a patron, I am pleased to open the event in order to present to the world our Hanseatic city as a digital and innovation location."
© 2019, BLOCKCHANCE, Editor: Fabian Friedrich, July 2019, v. 1.0. Subject to alterations and errors. Rights of use free for affiliated partners and media.
After being established in 2017, CryptoDaily is one of the fastest growing blockchain and cryptocurrency news sites out there. Not to mention that it is one of the few free to publish media networks throughout the crypto space.
“We have been blessed with an unique chance in history. Blockchain technology will disrupt the world like the printing press, the airplane and the internet itself did. It is a unique chance to turn the current course of humanity 180 degrees around towards a decentralized and a more fair distributed world. Blockchain creates trust by design, the code is law and leads us to a new network society - and to a neo democratic world. We love to combine the powers of CryptoDaily and Blockchance to engage together to educate our fellow men about it” Fabian Friedrich, Executive Director at Blockchance, Board of directors at INATBA, Board of Directors at Hanseatic Blockchain Institute sais.
BLOCKCHANCE Conference 2019
BLOCKCHANCE organizer:
Fabian Friedrich
+49 (0) 176 - 61 69 57 71
BLOCKCHANCE Press Relations:
Thomas Keup
+49 (0) 171 - 4 18 00 84
Fabian Friedrich, Blockchance CEO and the First Myor of Hamburg Dr. Peter Tschentscher
About Fabian Friedrich
Fabian Friedrich: Sustainability and Technologies
When his parents asked him at the age of 8 what he would like to become later, he answered without thinking: "I just want to be happy". Later he added: "I never want to have a boss and have to wear a suit".
He survived his school days thinking about a better world. After school he studied computer science and soon founded the hip hop label "Schmuf Hamburg". Four years later - when nobody bought CDs anymore - he quit and founded his first marketing agency "Esprit de liberté" with a friend.
Bitcoins, barfoot shoes und veganizm
When his business partner died unexpectedly, he continued with social media marketing alone under the name "Mightymonkey Marketing" and achieved enormous reach in Hamburg, not least through the Facebook portal "Schanzen News" with over 60,000 readers.
After a short break with India travel, meditation and spiritual literature, he discovered bitcoins, barefoot shoes and veganism for himself. So, the "Alohachérie" Christmas Market 2013 was not only the first vegan Christmas market stall in the world to accept Bitcoins. It was also the starting shot for his next venture - Hamburg's first purely vegan gourmet catering.
The dawn of a new age
In between he also ran two restaurants until he sold the company at the beginning of 2018 in order to completely turn to the Blockchain world and found a Blockchain marketing agency with Skyfi and to establish the brand "BLOCKCHANCE with Conference, Campus & Co.
Today more than ever, the 35-year-old from Hamburg is concerned with making the world a little better. The decentralized database technology Blockchain is a great opportunity for this, Fabian knows.
The family man from Hamburg-Reitbrook is a builder, doer and multiplicator who recognizes the signs of the times early on, brings people together and brings exciting opportunities into the world - as at the BLOCKCHANCE Conference Hamburg - with sustainability and technologies.
Being part of a community which is not only dreaming of a better world, but working on building it every day. I want to live in a world where everybody can take part. This is my vision of a meaningful life. And the Blockchain technology enables this kind of life.
Blockchain is not just a technical revolution - it's a way for people to get control back. It creates fairness and equality. It supports values like solidarity, closeness and trust. Real participation and democracy can become a reality.
What I love about Blockchain is that it has the potential to change the world. It is so powerful and empowering - it's not just changing the way of making businesses. Cryptocurrencies are only the first application running on Blockchain. But the real value is the immutability of data. For the first time in the history of the internet we are able to transfer and own values.
Blockchain offers us an infrastructure to empower new kinds of economy. Economies that promote working together instead of against each other. And I believe we rather need cooperation than competition to save our planet.
Katherina Eisenzimmer is working on New Business Development and Sales at Blockchance. And she is the speaker fairy of Blockchance 2019.