LTC Vs BCH: The Gamble Off

LTC Vs BCH: The Gamble Off
Earlier last month, the leading men at Bitcoin Cash and Litecoin, (Roger Ver and Charlie Lee respectively) sat down to have a debate about some of the leading figureheads in the crypto space, Litecoin, Bitcoin Cash and of course Bitcoin.  Both Lee and Ver are well known for their outspoken attitudes and ability to stir up a bit of a storm within the cryptocurrency community, therefore it’s pretty clear that a debate between the two would no doubt be entertaining and give us all plenty to talk about. The debate went down on the blockchain cruise which is an event where these mashups are almost certain to happen. However, the clash between Lee and Ver specifically made an impact but not in the way you would think. An important bet has been made by both of the crypto heads. Despite the clash, the two crypto leaders made a nice metaphor for the scalability of Bitcoin.“The blockchain is just like a good restaurant that’s so in demand that everyone wants to reserve a table. A skilled restaurant owner can opt to buy land and keep on expanding the walls (a metaphor for big blocks) or also take over the restaurant next door (thus having a second layer, the Lightning Network).”You can see the full video here:The rules of the bet are simple however, we might be waiting a while to see the results.The bet will run for 18 months from September 9th and so will end on 9th March 2020. The bet is based around the lightning network where if there are more than 100 merchants by the end of the bet, the head of Litecoin, Lee wins. However, if there are less than 1000 merchants by the end date then Ver wins. It's easy to see who is a glass half full kind of guy…It will be interesting to follow this bet for the next two years and see who will win the satisfaction of bragging rights… to a certain extent anyway!What are your thoughts? Do you think the Lee is jumping the gun a bit with thinking the lightning network could have over 1000 merchants by 2020 or is Ver a bit more realistic with his prediction?Let us know what you think down in the comments!Reference:Crypto Insider
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