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TokenPay Lash Out At Bitcoin Cash; ‘It’s Slow And Expensive’

Published 6 years ago on August 21, 2018


3 Min Read

TokenPay Lash Out At Bitcoin Cash; ‘It’s Slow And Expensive’
TokenPay have been on fire recently, making the most of their social media pages to literally lay into their rivals. It’s brave, but if they think they are the best, they might as well try and flaunt it right? After flogging XRP and NEO very recently, TokenPay have now decided to tap into the Bitcoin debate. Not holding back, TokenPay refer to Bitcoin Cash as slow and expensive, but even more insultingly to the Bitcoin Cash community, TokenPay also seem to disregard Bitcoin Cash and hint that in their eyes, Bitcoin Core is the original and real Bitcoin. It’s so complicated, it’s like a family feud behind the scenes at a wedding, one of those feuds that we’re better off keeping out of.Either way, TokenPay aren’t taking any prisoners.According to Ethereum World News, TokenPay have said the following, in response to this tweet by Bao Le:
“Also fact, anyone like to dispute / debate? @rogerkver @officialmcafee @derekcapo maybe @officiallykeith can host it again! #TPAY vs. #BCH. Bitcoin on Steroids vs so call “Real Bitcoin” heck let’s bring in all the bitcoin fork!”
TokenPay (boldy) said:
“Not sure how “we are the real Bitcoin”, makes BCH even a candidate as a transaction coin? Bitcoin isn’t even good for ordinary transactions as it is slow and expensive. We fixed that with $TPAY. Why would anybody want to use fake Bitcoin for anything related to commerce activity.”
If that wasn’t enough:
“$TPAY features 2 second transaction confirmations ( ) and a fully anonymous stealth mode. We call it “Bitcoin on Steroids” because it simply has more features and works better for transactions. It isn’t $BTC, either is $BCH. But for transactions TPAY > BCH.”
Bitcoin on steroids, or is it Bitcoin Cash on steroids? You can see the full article for yourself, here. It’s all a bit savage isn’t itA lot of this sort of thing is to generate press exposure, and look, it’s working. Otherwise, many people might not even see TokenPay and Bitcoin as direct rivals. It’s a healthy competition and is good, because it allows people to do your own research and make their own informed decisions. If TokenPay say they are the best, you’re more likely to go on and see if they can justify their claims. If they are wrong, stick with what you know, but if indeed it seems that their claims are legitimate, maybe its a project to watch?We aren’t saying either side of the debate is right by the way, it’s just interesting to see how the likes of social media can allow these tensions to come to a head in this way, isn’t it?
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