Could We See TRON Listed On FOREX?

Could We See TRON Listed On FOREX?
More news out for TRON this week, in the wake of the TRON MainNet launch.Incase you haven’t kept up with the story, TRON is now moving from the Ethereum blockchain onto its own custom blockchain. With this, TRON’s TRX token will migrate from the Ethereum ERC-20 format in which it presently resides, to a new, native TRX token. The MainNet is now live, however the full roll out will continue over the month. This will allow time for wallets and exchanges to update to the new tokens and moreover, will allow developers to locate any bugs or issues within the network. As a matter of fact, TRON are offering a bounty of up to $100,000.00 to any developers who are able to successfully locate and report any bugs within the new TRON MainNet.In a report out today, TROn are alleged to be partnering with Shift Markets, a platform that allows teams to kickstart their own cryptocurrency exchanges. According to Shift Markets:
“Shift’s platform is a turn-key solution to start a cryptocurrency exchange or brokerage. It offers an unparalleled trading experience coupled with a variety of back end solutions. The platform has a clean layout that includes clear direction for first-time users. Deposits and withdrawals are handled through pop-ups. Users are prompted to deposit Bitcoin using either a deposit address or by scanning a QR code.”
A long term goal for Shift Markets is to move towards a FOREX and Cryptocurrency integration as they believe that the future lies within this sort of convergence. Of course, listing cryptocurrencies as a part of foreign exchange will no doubt multiply cryptocurrencies chances of earning mainstream adoption so really, this is quite an important step for TRON. According to Finance Magnates, CEO of Shift Markets, Ian McAfee has said:
“Shift Markets are [bridging] the gap between the FX and crypto markets” through the partnership with TRON. “The demand from FX has been enormous, and we anticipate more and more crossover between the two markets.”
See the full report by Finance Magnates for yourself, here-, so this partnership won’t see TRX listed on FOREX tomorrow, nor will we see this take place any time soon. The prospect that there is a team now working on this integration is huge, huge for TRON, huge for Shift Markets and of course, huge for cryptocurrencies in general. All it takes is for one currency to take a step up ahead of the rest, when this happens, the other currencies will follow. If TRX hits FOREX first, if indeed it is even possible, the rest of the markets will follow suit. Therefore, this one is quite an exciting one indeed. Investment Disclaimer
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