Welcome to Crypto Daily
About Us
Crypto Daily is the home of cryptocurrency and blockchain news, spanning across the globe to bring you trending and breaking news. CryptoDaily.co.uk is a hub for the news that matters, helping you to make more informed investment choices. Our website exists as a forum for the writing and discussion of all things crypto. You can find our news across a range of apps and websites, including our very own Crypto Daily App for Android and iOS, as well as across a range of social media, including our very own YouTube channel – Crypto Daily Official.
Our Achievements so far
We might only be a year old, however Crypto Daily has made waves in the crypto industry:
• Listings on a number of news websites including Google News and NewsNow
• Exceeded 3 million-page visitors per month •
Partnership with Reddit forums, WeChat groups and other social media
• The launch of our own mobile application
• Acceptance of an international trademark for Crypto Daily
Come and Join us
We want you to join us on our journey as we grow and look to dominate the crypto news industry, we are accepting news submissions, press releases and other contributors to our network.
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