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Grenada’s WTO ambassador, JUSTIN SUN called on digital solutions at MC12

Published 2 years ago on June 27, 2022


3 Min Read

Grenada’s WTO ambassador, JUSTIN SUN called on digital solutions at MC12

“Grenada remains committed to playing a constructive role at MC12 and looks forward to joining important and meaningful consensus decisions.” Justin Sun, Grenada’s ambassador and permanent representative to the WTO made such comments to conclude his speech at MC12 a week ago in Geneva.

The WTO successfully concluded the 12th Ministerial Conference (MC12) in Geneva on 17 June, confirming multilaterally negotiated outcomes on a series of key trade initiatives, the so-called “Geneva Package”. This multilateral consensus confirms the historical importance of the multilateral trading system, and better underlines the essential function of the WTO in solving the world’s most urgent challenges, especially at a time when mankind is still confronting with the on-going COVID 19 and UKRAINE war.

The Geneva Package is expected to play a new role to solve problems, mainly including the most pressing issues such as: the Emergency Response to Food Insecurity, the WTO Response to the COVID-19 Pandemic and Preparedness for Future Pandemics, and a Decision on the e-commerce

Moratorium and Work Program. 

Justin Sun, a 30-ish entrepreneur on digital economy, is surely keen to the WTO’s decision on the e-commerce which is also his cause for life.

Justin Sun successfully established a crypto currency platform, TRON, a couple of years ago. This fruitful period had granted him plenty of experience and expertise on digitalized solutions. Therefore, his speech and attitude are for sure block chain-oriented. 

He had harvested a lot and is able to deliver more given his new career urges him to do so. Justin sun got political since last December. He had convinced a lot people to help with his agenda, literally the same agenda as the WTO called on.

As per the MC12 agenda, Justin Sun had set out a series of solutions and attitudes to help with poverty alleviation, environmental protection, climate change and efficient attribution of food supply to some poorest countries. Justin Sun believes that all solutions could be connected with a block chain approach. He had extended the concept of block chain on the international forum, and called on more attentions. 

“Digitalized economy and social lifestyle may ease the pains by COVID 19 and UKRAINE war” Justin Sun formally proposed such solutions based on his past experience and expertise on the forum. A great proportion of representatives of the WTO members shared Justin Sun’s ideology and philosophy.

On behalf of Grenada, he then pointed out that beneficial outcomes on e-commerce must be protected by relevant stakeholders. He chose to close the digital divide among countries, which may lead to higher levels of investment in infrastructure; modernization of the legal and regulatory framework; and training and capacity building among others. It is in this context that Justin Sun and his country Grenada support the renewal of the e-commerce Work Program, including the development dimension, and a renewal of the moratorium on customs duties on electronic transmissions.

Disclaimer: This article is provided for informational purposes only. It is not offered or intended to be used as legal, tax, investment, financial, or other advice.

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Tagged: #Justin Sun #MC12 #WTO