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Refining Defi with Logarithmic Finance (LOG), Fantom (FTM), and Ripple (XRP). Don't miss out on the incredible rise

Published 2 years ago on May 05, 2022


1 Min Read

Refining Defi with Logarithmic Finance (LOG), Fantom (FTM), and Ripple (XRP). Don't miss out on the incredible rise

Logarithmic Finance (LOG) leading the charge in the world of Defi.

As it stands the height of cryptocurrency is Defi, which has just recently been introduced to humans. Defi is said to be the new replacement for the traditional system of banking and the truth is, it is. Carrying out huge payments without borders by using blockchain as well as bypassing gatekeepers, Defi has gone from being a crypto term to a genuine competitor for real financial banking. 

The fact that Defi works with secure distributed ledgers that are similar to the kind used by major cryptos, means it can easily skip the involvement of central banks and major institutions that would originally act as third-party in the traditional banking system. Most of the old guards for Defi include Fantom (FTM) and Ripple (XRP) but newcomers like Logarithmic Finance (LOG) are looking to take the charge. 

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