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Interoperability in cryptocurrencies. Why we need to focus on cross-chain functions

Published 2 years ago on May 11, 2022


2 Min Read

Interoperability in cryptocurrencies. Why we need to focus on cross-chain functions

Imagine a world with poor train station connectivity. Where trains never stop at stations with multiple line access, and can only go from A to B. How long would your commute take? How many different trains would you need to take every day?

This is life without interoperability in cryptocurrencies.

Without cross-chain protocols, cryptocurrencies will never be fully adopted and integrated into everyday life. Would you take the train to work if you had to get 5 or 6 different trains just to arrive? I’m going to go ahead and guess not. This is how the Cosmos Hub (ATOM) and Quitrian Finance (QTM) are saving the world of cryptocurrencies.

ATOM induced interoperability

The Cosmos Hub (ATOM) was the first mover in bringing interoperability into cryptocurrencies. Calling itself the ‘Internet of Blockchains’, ATOM is creating a vast network of web3.0 and DeFi applications that can cooperate and coincide with each other, cheaply.

The project was the first to establish a focus that centred around interoperability. Returning to our train analogy. Instead of building a railway system where one station is connected to only one or two others, Cosmos is building a network where every station is connected to every other station. There are seamless connections between every application built on its network, making the Cosmos Hub extremely attractive to build on over other Layer 1 blockchains. 

This is one of the most important problems surrounding blockchain scalability that ATOM is solving. Scalability is directly correlated to interoperability. 

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