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World-renowned artist Edgar Plans launches Limited Edition book with Lil Heroes NFT Project

Published 2 years ago on April 15, 2022


2 Min Read

World-renowned artist Edgar Plans launches Limited Edition book with Lil Heroes NFT Project

The book is based on the works by Edgar Plans, the artist behind the sold-out NFT project Lil Heroes. The NFT project launched back in January 2022 and is now creating more ways for Edgar’s fans, and owners of the NFTs, to collect more value and get closer to the artist. 

“We know that our community wants to be closer to Edgar and his work. By giving holders a signed, limited edition book detailing his process in the creation of the Lil Heroes collection, as well as some of his artwork, we’re building on that goal.” 

- Daniel Eilemberg, co-founder of Lil Heroes

The behind-the-scenes work of art will launch on April 18th and only holders of a Lil Hero NFT will receive a copy. Depending on how many Lil Heroes a holder has there are different perks. Holding, or owning 1 to 4 NFTs gets you a signed and numbered limited edition copy while holding 5 to 19 also gets you a custom dedication. For the hard-core Edgar fans, holding over 20 Lil Hero NFTs grants you not only a signed and numbered book but a custom dedication and a handmade drawing by Edgar himself. 

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