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How BopoVerse is Bringing Community Body Positivity & Empowerment to the Metaverse

Published 2 years ago on March 25, 2022


4 Min Read

How BopoVerse is Bringing Community Body Positivity & Empowerment to the Metaverse

Among the many cultural movements of the 2010s, the body positivity movement was perhaps one of the most needed. This is because in the real world, size discrimination exists in practically every level of life. This discrimination, of course, manifested itself in the online space as as we look towards web3 and the metaverse as the next phases of the internet, this discrimination shows no signs of stopping. 

With all these in mind, BopoVerse, a metaverse with the underlying philosophy of body positivity, has announced a new slew of features and projects that will help body positivity  and empowerment find its way into the metaverse.

A Body Positive and Empowering World

When many of us think of the metaverse, we tend to think of the NFT-based avatars that we will use to interact with others. These NFT avatars tend to lean towards the size-discriminatory image that we see in the real world. 

The way BopoVerse sees it, this sort of attitude needs to be nipped in the bud. As such, it has announced its own collection of over 10,000 NFTs to be available for minting. These characters are all designed by the artist David Nieto and all have varying levels of rarity. 

When BopoVerse holds its minting phases, users can get their hands on some of the NFTs. All the NFTs have curvy, women featured and this is in line with BopoVerse’s inclusion and diversity initiative. 

Once users have their NFTs, there is also the chance to have them be used commercially in a way that benefits the community. This is where BopoVerse’s incoming projects come in. These projects will range from a comic series to an online web series that will feature existing NFT characters.

Users also have the chance to earn the platform’s native $BPV token in the gaming arena. Also, some of the proceeds from these projects will also be donated to specific charities that are voted on by the community. 

In terms of simply enjoying these characters, users can play games within the BopoVerse ecosystem or interact with others. As part of its rules, BopoVerse does not tolerate abuse or judgment from one user towards another. This means that users can enjoy the ecosystem with their diverse NFT characters without fear of harassment or bullying. 

The Best of Both (Body Positive) Worlds

The model that BopoVerse is creating is very unique in that it addresses several of the long-running issues within the metaverse. These are a lack of diversity and a lack of benefit for the users. 

By creating curvy beautiful NFT characters, BopoVerse is challenging the norm. Many metaverse ecosystems benefit from the NFT characters they produce and their users gain limited benefit beyond the enjoyment of the game. 

In the case of BopoVerse, users are getting more than just that. Not only do they get to take control of their digital lives with body positive and empowering characters, they also get to see their NFTs featured in projects that uplift their community. 

The larger cultural impact of this is that the metaverse will be a more positive place for all those who use it. While the material world might still have some ways to go when it comes to body positivity and empowerment, the metaverse is certainly paving a new way.

Disclaimer: This article is provided for informational purposes only. It is not offered or intended to be used as legal, tax, investment, financial, or other advice.


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Tagged: #Metaverse