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Apple Stocks Down Since January - Is Blockchain the Answer?

Published 5 years ago on September 17, 2019


3 Min Read

Apple Stocks Down Since January - Is Blockchain the Answer?

Since the early weeks of 2019, analysts have expressed their concern over the slowly declining loss in sales of Apple products. The firm's new venture includes up to three cameras and is called the iPhone 11, you may have heard about it… 

Despite the global response in a wide range of mixed opinions, the new iPhone is selling really well in China - this could be just what Apple needs right now.

Breaking into China was never really that much of a task for Apple but with the trade war between the nation and the US - and that people’s taste for phones changing - the California conglomerate hasn’t had the easiest time improving sales in China.

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At the start of the year in January, Carl Smit a former retail executive at Apple suggested that it would take some radical change for Apple to be competitive in the Chinese market again. He highlighted that the firm wasn’t making any changes to fit in with current affairs.

At the time he said, “they’re not adapting quick enough. These apps and systems are how people communicate in China, and if you don’t have seamless integration, the Chinese manufacturers have an edge.”

So if we go off the response the iPhone 11 got at its announcement, Apple could have found a solution to boost its performance in the country. I think another thing that could increase the demand for the 11th iPhone is unexpectedly (and relatively) cheap for a new iPhone. It’s only priced at a hundred pounds more than last years, iPhone XR.


Maybe what could improve demand and interest in new Apple products is blockchain. Just as Samsung unveiled its latest smartphone with an integrated blockchain wallet. At the Apple keynote event last week, nothing about blockchain was announced and as LG and Huawei jump on the blockchain bandwagon, it's hard to understand why Apple hasn’t decided to look into such an emerging technology.

If blockchain was perhaps announced at next years keynote, maybe stocks wouldn’t see a loss as they have in 2019.

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