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Why Hamburg - Blockchance Conference

Published 5 years ago on July 22, 2019


1 Min Read

Why Hamburg - Blockchance Conference

The Free and Hanseatic City of Hamburg is located in the heart of the Hamburg metropolitan region, which stretches across four federal states and has more than five million inhabitants. Hamburg is a major European business, science, research and education hub with several universities and national and international institutions and has been regarded as cosmopolitan and highly networked since the time of the Hanseatic League. 

Due to the strong representation of companies from the logistics, trade, media, aviation and maritime industries, for which the topics Blockchain and Distributed Ledger Technologies will become more relevant in the future, Hamburg has an excellent economic situation and the potential in these areas catching up with world leaders and taking on global blockchain industry centers such as London, Dubai, Shanghai, New York, Zug and Berlin.


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