Crypto Daily’s Brian Wilson was lucky enough to attend the 2019 Anarchapulco conference in Acapulco, Mexico in February. The conference brought together a bunch of like-minded libertarians in order to allow for open, honest and transparent debate within topics surrounding anarchy.
Of course, cryptocurrency falls into this - a decentralised form of value not owned or facilitated by banks or central governments, in its full essence, crypto is an anarchists dream which is why Anarchapulco hosted it’s very own crypto stage, featuring prolific individuals drafted in to discuss the beauty of crypto and blockchain technology.
There were several speakers at the event including Francis Hunt. Hunt is a well-respected trader and analyst, namely for
Hunt is the originator of the Hunt Volatility funnel (HVF) trading method. With more than 25 years of experience and deep immersion in trading and technical analysis of various markets, the unique approach to trading is the culmination of everything he found to have been valuable and profitable on a consistent, reliable basis, distilled into a single all-encompassing trading system that can be easily learnt and internalised by others.
Take a look at the interview to find out more about Hunt and about Brian’s experience at Anarchapulco 2019!
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