EOS dApps Being Taken Over By China

EOS dApps Being Taken Over By China

Ever since the blockchain industry was developed, dApps have become a big topic within the industry.

SV Insight Research analysed data from State of the dApps from 12th September - 18th October 2018 and it found that gambling dApps account for the majority of the dApps. The team picked out the top ten gambling decentralised apps based on the daily activities and discovered that China’s development teams occupy four seats. On top of this, for the players country category, China has the most users.

Based on data from State of the dApps at the end of 18th October 2018, gambling has the most dApps among all categories. The total number of gambling dApps is over 450 as of 18th October this year. During September and October, gambling dApps were the only ones with growth whereas the others were dropping.

China has four seats in the top ten gambling dApp R&D teams which is BetDice, Lucky Plaza, Funcity and EOSBet. If you head to the app pages you can see that these ten dApps all have a Chinese and English format, which means that the developers realised that Chinese players might be the target customer of gambling games.

There isn’t a specific law against citizens in the United States to gamble online in some states, but in China, the public isn’t allowed to attend any online casinos or to participate in online gambling, however, there are still poker and dice games online and the major players are Chinese and Russians.

According to Hackernoon, since the middle of October this year, FarmEOS has become a hit. In just 24 hours the turnover for the dApp was more than 100 million RMB which even once exacerbated the surge in the CPU resource mortgage prices on EOS. its success can be attributed to three main factors which include:

First of all is that participating in the game is similar to mining. FarmEOS also designed its project Token - FARM. FARM can only be obtained by participating in the lottery game. After the player participates in the game, they will get the FARM token which is equal to 1.5 percent of the betting amount.

Next is that in FarmEOS, FARM is released through Bancor and in the Bancor mode, token trading can achieve almost limitless mobility and depth.

Last but not least is that in this project the number of FARM tokens and the weight of dividends are independent. Even though you might have more tokens it doesn’t mean that you are getting more dividends. The higher the dividend weight of the account, the more dividends are obtained.

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