ERT Implementation In The Ecosystem

ERT Implementation In The Ecosystem

Some major news regarding the eSports Reward Token are coming up in the next few months. The ERT will have its first real implementation in the portal very soon. The first step is to implement the ERT as a utility driven token. People will be able to submit custom content to the platform, regarding some of the major esports out there, and receive ERT for their efforts. Later on, if wanted, they can sell their ERT tokens for fiat or other crypto currencies. The content can be everything from custom written articles, tournament follow-ups as well as videos, photos and much more. Moreover, the ERT will be used to promote the and give incentive to the many influencers out there. Special bonuses are in discussion, which will benefit everybody who wants to spread the word about Public sharing and other forms of influencing will be greatly rewarded by, using their Esports Reward Token. These are some exciting news regarding the ERT. The company is following their Roadmap, so by the end of 2018 the ERT will have some implementation in their platform. This not only proves that the project isn't a scam, but also bring positive thought about the future of the ERT, as prices will surely go up once those implementations take place. Stay tuned for more updates regarding the best esports platform and their eSports Reward Token (ERT).

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