Use Your Mouth To Earn Cryptocurrency

Use Your Mouth To Earn Cryptocurrency

I know what you’re thinking… get your head out of the gutter, we are talking about a new project by One Sphera which promises to use cryptocurrency to incentivise word-of-mouth for the purposes of advertising. According to One Sphera-

“One Sphera has found a massive need in the global advertising system that is virtually untapped. Word of mouth was THE major driver in business – that has changed. It is no longer word of Mouth, it’s word of Mouse. The world communicates via social media, but it and advertising are broken and extractive. Our disruptive Value Chain Advertising System radically changes the relationship between businesses, advertisers, and customers, building a true collaborative economy.”

One Sphera have coined their new system ‘Value Chain Advertising System’, according to a press release on this will allow advertisers to track customers and offer them rewards for activities in which they already engage in, this may include things like, sharing an image on Instagram or a post on Facebook. Moreover, this can benefit advertisers too, by using the platform to incentives the things they want their customers to focus on. This in turn gives customers access to the products they want, in a more respectful and balance form of advertising, from people they know and may be close too. Look at it this way, would you prefer to have an intrusive advert burst on your screen, or, would you prefer to see an advert for a product shared by a friend, because your friend believes the product may be of use to you? Moreover, would you help advertisers by sharing their products more, if the whole thing was incentivised with cryptocurrency? According to the press release:

“Monetized word-of-mouth is what One Sphera calls their Value Chain Advertising System, a multi-layered, transaction-based solution that combines; - shared advertising dollars via trusted referrals (gossip for good) - a dynamic, multi-layered reward system - a loyalty program that actually works Building engaged communities around shared interests, needs and offers, and collaborative projects.”

You can see the full press release for yourself, here- We are seeing more of this sort of stuff cropping up within the crypto-sphere and generally it does seem that people are more happy to consume advertising when they are being paid to do so. Perhaps movements like One Sphera will in turn change the way the advertising industry operates, although, overall, we should consider that the advertising industry is a huge power, one that is pretty difficult to stop.

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