Ripple XRP Solution - Santander’s OnePay FX App Now Live

Ripple XRP Solution - Santander’s OnePay FX App Now Live

We have been distracted by a video by YouTuber, ‘Thinking Crypto’ this morning, in a clip titled ‘Santander Ripple Payment App Live! – Apple Ripple Interledger – xVia XRP – UpCoin Listing XRP’ you can distract yourself too, here- Upon a first glance, this video seems to suggest that Santander have launched a new app with a Ripple XRP transfer option, this however is not yet the case, yet being the key word here. Rumours have spread with regards to Santander’s plans to develop a Ripple integration into their payment facilities, and indeed, we know that Ripples major plans going forward are to facilitate such interactive payment facilities. We believe that this new app, created by Santander is where we will find Ripple, hopefully sooner than we think.

OnePay FX has been designed to transfer money abroad in a fast and clear way. It can facilitate up to £10,000 worth of transfers per day and converts to and from US Dollar ($) and the Euro (€). The app does not yet charge a transaction fee but states that the receiver may be subject to a charger, based upon whom they bank with. Santander do seem to suggest that there is a possibility for a transaction fee to be added in the future. This is a positive step in the direction of a mass facilitation of cross border payments in Ripple’s currency. Let’s not also forget the rumours about Western Union, MoneyGram and Walmart which have also made significant headlines over the past few weeks. Look at this from a branding perspective, even the name of the app ‘OnePay FX’ seems to resonate an open-mindedness that incorporates the philosophy of Ripple. One pay, one way to pay, that’s exactly where Ripple aims to be. When you think about the level of rumour bouncing around the crypto-sphere at the moment, even if on the very unlikely off-chance Santander have not thought about Ripple incorporation then through the production of this app, I’m certain they will have done. This is super exciting for Ripple’s investors and holders as finally, there is a visible platform through which Ripple can operate that seems to have a brand and an audience behind it. I’m not sure how a roll out would happen but I do expect one day, the OnePay FX app will start to facilitate Ripple transfers, not into just pounds, euros and dollars, but into an array of worldwide currencies, producing an environment for super easy and super sophisticated cross border money transfers. Featured Image Original Source: Flickr - Great Photo By Money Bright

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