Amongst the uncertainty, CoinMarketCap creates Toilet Paper Token for April fools day

Amongst the uncertainty, CoinMarketCap creates Toilet Paper Token for April fools day
  • CoinMarketCap create TPT token as it lists above bitcoin.
  • This April fools joke is good to see amongst the uncertainty and anxiety that comes with recent events in the world.

As I do with most of my mornings, one of the first things I look at is CoinMarketCap, only to see I had fallen victim to an April fools joke…

Listed as just above the leading cryptocurrency, bitcoin was a new cryptocurrency that I never heard of before. This crypto had been called Toilet Paper Token as number 0 on the long list of cryptocurrencies.

Even with all the fear and uncertainty going around the world right now with the outbreak of coronavirus, it’s good to see a little lightheartedness in times like these.

The joke of TPT comes as a worldwide meme of people all across the globe stockpile toilet paper from their local supermarkets. I use the word meme with a grain of salt as many people who stockpile essentials such as toilet paper leave many others in their local community without essentials of its kind. Hand sanitiser and hand wash is another essential that was stockpiled by many people.

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