Bitcoin Is Making People Crazy

Bitcoin Is Making People Crazy
The office for the Manhattan District Attorney has just uncovered some violent footage of a group of young males who have been charged with one count of second-degree burglary for torturing their friend who happens to be an investor in cryptocurrency.The young men, starting torturing their so-called friend in order to get his login details for his crypto wallet. The security footage which was discovered showed 29-year-old Steven Dron, 25-year-old, Chris David and Stephen Orso and 19-year-old David Leica who had escorted their friend Nicholas Truglia to his luxury apartment on 7th September this year and tortured his to get access to his personal crypto details. The court papers stated that the son of a wealthy venture capitalist, Orso tortured Truglia in order to “provide him with login information for his cryptocurrency accounts while holding his head underwater in the bathtub, punching him in the stomach and throwing hot wax on him.”The culprits are known to show off their luxurious lives on social media and they were seen leaving the victims home after being there for two hours with Leica concealing a rectangular object under his jumpers consistent with a laptop computer. It’s unknown whether or not the criminals gained access to Truglia’s account but either way, they are on temporary bail until March next year when their fate will be decided. This isn’t the first time violence has been used in the cryptocurrency space. The murder of a 24-year-old Norwegian crypto investor also left the industry in shock. The murder was committed by a notorious criminal following Heikki Bjorklund concluding a massive Bitcoin to cash transaction and intended to use the profits to relocate to his own apartment when the killer Makaveli Linden crashed through the window and stabbed him several times, searched through his belongings and disappeared with the proceeds. Linden has been on the run since the incident but has now been apprehended and is currently facing a trial in the Norwegian high court. We’ve heard of scams and hacks, but torture and murder? This is a new one. We’re all friends and enthusiasts of Bitcoin here perhaps violence isn’t the way forward if you want to make profits out of cryptocurrency.Our thoughts are with the friend's families affected by these crimes. What are your thoughts? Let us know what you think down below in the comments! Investment Disclaimer
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