Bitcoin Now Recognised By Scrabble, Finally The World Has Gone Crypto Mad

Bitcoin Now Recognised By Scrabble, Finally The World Has Gone Crypto Mad
Yesterday, news broke out about a huge new listing for Bitcoin, though it’s not quite what it seems. Popular family board game Scrabble have announced that ‘Bitcoin’ will be added along with 300 news recognised words that can be used in order for players to earn points. If you’ve not played Scrabble, here’s brief introduction to one of the world’s most loved games, according to Wikibooks:
“The goal of Scrabble is to score as many points as possible by placing letter tiles to create words onto the game board. At the end of the game, when one player has used all of their tiles and there are no more tiles left to draw, the game ends. All words in the agreed-upon dictionary, including inflections, are acceptable. Proper nouns are not acceptable, unless they have separate meanings (such as CHINA, JACK, or BOSTON). Most acronyms or abbreviations are not allowed, unless they appear as separate entries. Archaic spellings are generally not allowed. Foreign words which have been incorporated into the language are valid. Vulgar and offensive words are acceptable in tournament and most club play (however, the National School Scrabble Championship uses the OSPD5, which expurgates offensive words).”
The rules to Scrabble are quite simple, though only certain words are accepted, now, Bitcoin is thankfully one of them.This seems a little bit of a noveltyThis is a novelty, though it does indicate suggest that forward momentum is being made with regards to cryptocurrency in the mainstream. By introducing Bitcoin into the equation, Scrabble are encouraging players to think about Bitcoin, not as a currency and not as something from the darkweb, but as a word and as a plain and normal part of our society. This might sound a bit daft, but Bitcoin can’t become a fully fledged member of mainstream society, unless it is recognised everywhere, yes, that includes Scrabble too. But this doesn’t confirm that the world has gone crypto madOkay, no it doesn’t. This doesn’t mean that Bitcoin is going to start appearing in numerous other board games (though a cryptocurrency based Monopoly game would be cool) and no, this isn’t confirmation that the world is finally ready to adopt Bitcoin. It is however confirmation that people are talking about Bitcoin and that certain subcultures within society are recognising it too. If that means the Scrabble community are ready for Bitcoin, then that’s another victory for the Bitcoin adoption brigade. Next time you don your tiles and get your Scrabble game on, remember there are points to be scored in Bitcoin, much like in real life too.References Wikibooks - Scrabble Rules Investment Disclaimer
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