Opera To Launch Browser With Integrated Wallet

Opera To Launch Browser With Integrated Wallet
Modern society loves convergence. That’s why as consumers we really buy into things that feature integrations of other things, look at the camera phone for example. A web browser with a built in cryptocurrency wallet is one example of this. The advantages of this are clear, it’ll be easily accessible, across devices, fast and easy to manage.According to RTT News, Opera have just launched a version of their famed browser which now includes an integrated cryptocurrency wallet. According to RTT News:
“Opera has become the first major browser to carry a built-in crypto wallet, which will spare internet users the trouble of installing separate Dapp browsers or crypto wallet extensions. With Ethereum Web3 API integration, Opera expects to open up to Web 3.0 and make it an interface to the decentralized web of tomorrow.”
The project is to be known as Opera Crypto.According to Charles Hamel, the Product Lead of Opera Crypto:
"Having a Crypto Wallet in the browser brings the cash experience to the world of online payments. Paying with the Crypto Wallet is like sending digital cash straight from your phone, and we've just made it easier. This opens up new possibilities for merchants and content creators alike."
See the full article for yourself, here. Opera are referring to this as the start of Web 3.0, a new era for web browsing and internet use. Of course, this doesn’t mean every web browser will start to integrate a cryptocurrency wallet, however it does show us what sort of things we can expect from a Web 3.0 society, crypto wallet web browsers, privacy browsers (such as Brave) and even web browsers that do your laundry for you (theoretically speaking, this is possible in a sense). We should consider that there will be some security risks with Opera Crypto. By being built into a web browser, the wallet is online and thus may be susceptible to hacks and attacks. This is a drawback compared to the security one is ensured of when using a cold storage wallet (for example). An inherent advantage to Opera Crypto however could be that through the browser, you can access your wallet on multiple devices at any time, again though, this does induce other security questions. Investment Disclaimer
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