is a very unique cryptocurrency, moderated by and often loved by a very unique community. As a cryptocurrency with its own identity, its own ideas and its own strategy for a decentralised future, it really stands out. Now of course, in order to develop this, EOS needs a team of people dedicated to helping EOS achieve these goals. The problem here is, such a team would suggest the exact opposite of decentralisation. This is where come in, as seen in this recent tweet.
Is launching the EOSIO blockchain?
— EOS (@EOS_io) 18 May 2018 is a world renowned blockchain technology company and of course, are the publishers of the EOSIO software, which complements the EOS currency. A recent move by will see a huge investment in blockchain education, something that promises to ensure people are aware of blockchain technologies and how they will impact our future. The investment will see work alongside Virginia Tech in the United States, in a $3 Million project designed to help college and university students learn about blockchain and blockchain technologies. Daniel Larimer, Chief Technology Officer at has said:
“ is dedicated to creating a more prosperous society by improving the integrity of business interactions, and blockchain is the key driver of this vision. If we are to achieve this goal, it is important to work with a leading institution such as Virginia Tech to provide students with the tools to succeed as the technology is developed. As an alumnus of the university, I am delighted to be a part of this ground-breaking educational effort for the future of blockchain.”
This investment will allow the university to offer a full blockchain education programme to contribute to the universities on going computer science degrees. Through this, hope to spearhead a new future for the blockchain. Realistically, in order for it to work in mainstream society, people need to understand it, this is a great step towards that goal and is something that will of course impact EOS directly. This news has been taken very well by the community. Moreover, its helping the markets look good too. At the time of writing, EOS is valued at $13.95 and is up 2.84%. This climb is still small for the moment, but hopefully in time, we will see EOS move back up towards $18.00. are committed to a blockchain future, a future which EOS will no doubt become a very big part of.
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